An apparatus is to analyze music data of a musical performance including
note events of triplets as well as note events like triplets, and to
display the note events in triplet notation properly in view of the
general rhythmic tendency of the musical performance. Music data
representing a musical performance is analyzed by counting the number of
note events which occur as a regular rhythm pattern and the number of
note events which occur as a triplet, so that the performed music as a
whole is judged to be either in a triplet-shy rhythm or in a triplet-rich
rhythm. Then fuzzy triplet detecting time windows detect triplet
candidate notes. Thus detected fuzzy triplet note events are flexibly
decided to be notated in a regular rhythm pattern form or in a triplet
form depending on whether the performed music as a whole is in a
triplet-shy rhythm or in a triplet-rich rhythm. The notes are displayed
in the decided form of notation to provide a good-looking and easily
understandable music score.