A mobile radio telephone or portable hot link communicator is described
which provides a simple, efficient and effective means of communication
to enable a child or elderly person to communicate with a known parent,
relative or friend carrying a standard mobile telephone. The hot-link
communicator is wrist worn or hangs from a cord around the wearer's neck.
The hot-link communicator comprises a preprogrammed module that links it
with preferably only one other mobile or fixed telephone. The hot-link
communicator comprises very basic functionality and, in some embodiments,
no display--only a preprogrammed dialing button and an answer button. The
hot-link communicator makes possible communication between parents
needing to communicate with their children and between supervising adults
and elderly persons needing assistance in that the children and elderly
persons do not need to input number in sequence via a key pad or search
for a telephone in the rain and dark.