An apparatus and method are disclosed for protecting the contents of a
shared memory in a memory device controlled by an embedded controller.
The apparatus allows dynamic setting of access permissions to said
contents and allows updating and recovery of the contents. A computerized
system comprising at least one Host linked to the memory device provides
access paths to the shared memory, to the Host, and to the embedded
controller. An arbitration device for allocating access paths to the
memory device is also provided. The memory device is partitioned into
separate blocks, each of which is used to store different types of data.
A location is designated in the shared memory for storing protection
information that includes data related to access operations allowed by at
least one access path to a part of the shared memory. Access, via the
arbitration device, to separate parts of the shared memory is permitted
by using an access control unit that enables/disables access to
predetermined portions of the hared memory by at least one of the access