A system (100) for providing multiple facility healthcare corporations the
ability to assign and maintain shared medical record numbers (43) across
multiple entities. The system establishes a parent/child relationship
among the entities to share medical record number ranges, formats, and
data. A patient record identifier database (102) contains patient records
in a searchable unit record file (50) and an identification number file
(3). A search processor (105) locates relevant records and a rules
processor (104) applies various tests to the returned data in order to
assign a medical record number (43, 13) to a single unique unit reference
number (2, 5, 11) to a person without duplication or conflict with
identifiers used at other entities (4, 9, 190). The reference numbers and
their associated medical records are shared among the various entities.
The sharing relationships may be altered by authorized users accessing on
line file maintenance (312) and programs (311).