The invention provides a fishing apparatus having a pivot arm mounted on a
frame with a fishing line paid out on one end of the pivot arm via a
flexible fishing rod and a hooking mechanism connected to the opposite
end via a trigger line and a pull line. The hooking mechanism may
resemble a mouse trap with a trigger connected to the trigger line arm a
retaining arm engaging the trigger and retaining a spring-loaded arm in
the set position. The spring-loaded arm is connected to the pull line. A
fish trying to swim with the hook will cause the pivot arm to tip down,
triggering the hooking mechanism. The spring-loaded arm pivots downward
rapidly, pulling the pivot arm so that the fishing rod moves upward
rapidly and sets the hook in the fish's mouth. The spring bias in the
spring-loaded arm then keeps the fishing line under tension so that the
fish doesn't release the hook without ripping the hook from the mouth.