The invention discloses a method for transmitting high-speed downlink
package data in a mobile communication system with a smart antenna, which
not only can take full advantage of radio beamforming of smart antenna
but also can transmit downlink package data high efficiency. In this
method, at the beginning of downlink package data transmission, no matter
whether a subscriber terminal is at any state, a call for all ready
subscriber terminal is made through a paging channel to obtain an initial
DOA (direction of arrival) of every subscriber terminal, and then with
this initial DOA the smart antenna transmits downlink package data to a
subscriber terminal with an initial beamforming; having received one
package, the subscriber terminal returns an acknowledgement message, if
the downlink package is correctly received, or retransmission is
required, if the received downlink package has error codes, so the system
knows current position of the subscriber terminal and can use an updated
beamforming to trace the subscriber terminal moving; based on received
package quality, the system adaptively adjusts the length of a downlink
package, and based on the moving speed of the subscriber terminal, the
system adaptively adjusts the length of the downlink package too.