An x-ray diagnostic apparatus and methods performs Real-Time Digital
Radiography with particular application in dental x-ray imaging
modalities, such as Orthopantomography, Scannography, Linear Tomography
and Cephalography, by using a versatile and modular electronic unit,
featuring ultra fast computation capability to serve diversified image
sensor typology and scanning modality. In Digital Orthopantomography and
Scannography, a plurality of tomographic images at different depths of
the jaw can be generated, based on the pre-selection made by the user
interface. The image processing unit utilizes for the tomo-synthesis of
the diagnostic image an accurate and economic digital simulator of the
radiographic film speed, including a digital frequency synthesizer fed
with film cassette speed digital input and high resolution clock signal,
ensuring accurate and reproducible phase continuity of the output
frequency signal. It also introduces an automatic adaptation of the frame
acquisition rate in frame transfer mode, based on the actual speed of the
cassette unit. By this method the dynamic of the exposure signal is
reduced, and a better optimization of the signal response of the x-ray
detector is achieved.