A distillate fuel steam reformer system in which a fuel feed stream is
first separated into two process streams: an aliphatics-rich,
sulfur-depleted gas stream, and an aromatics- and sulfur-rich liquid
residue stream. The aliphatics-rich gas stream is desulfurized, mixed
with steam, and converted in a reforming reactor to a hydrogen-rich
product stream. The aromatics-rich residue stream is mixed with air and
combusted to provide heat necessary for endothermic process operations.
Reducing the amounts of sulfur and aromatic hydrocarbons directed to
desulfurzation and reforming operations minimizes the size and weight of
the overall apparatus. The process of the invention is well suited to the
use of microchannel apparatuses for heat exchangers, reactors, and other
system components, which may be assembled in slab configuration, further
reducing system size and weight.