There is provided methods and systems to provide popular query coverage.
The system receives a plurality of queries that are used to search a
database, the plurality of queries respectively including a string of
text that includes at least one keyword. Next, the system determines a
subset of most popular queries from the plurality of queries. Next, the
system applies a first plurality of rules to a first most popular query
in the subset of most popular queries to identify a second plurality of
rules that respectively identify at least one matching keyword in the
first most popular query. Next, the system counts the first plurality of
rules to determine a total quantity of rules and counts the second
plurality of rules to determine a second quantity of rules. Next, the
system determines a percentage of coverage for the first most popular
query, the percentage of coverage based on the total quantity of rules
and the second quantity of rules. Finally, the system provides the
percentage of coverage for the first most popular as an interface element
within an interface.