A garment designed to discourage supine sleep which intensifies snoring and apnea levels in some people. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring occur when the tongue and throat muscles relax during sleep. At that point they fall back and block the airways causing the apneas and worsening snoring. A significant percentage of snoring and OSA is position related and symptoms worsen by sleeping in a supine position. Garment or other embodiments have a unique circumference mounted pouch which allows the insert to self center on the spine and have slight movement between shoulders when user is sleeping on his or her side. The optional placement at lower neck area presses slightly against the spine to influence head to tilt up slightly and slightly close mouth while sleeping. The insert while very comfortable to sleep against is of enough diameter or depth to discourage supine and encourage side sleeping. The garment or other embodiments can also have frontal body fasteners for ease of putting on and taking off.

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