The Wave Generator Power Plant converts the energy in sea waves into electricity. The wave motor portion of the power plant utilizes a buoyant, moving, semisubmerged, cone-shaped pontoon that is powered by the sea wave motion. The reciprocation is changed to rotary motion by a connecting rod and crankshaft. Then, through a gearbox, the rotary motion drives an electrical generator. The fully submerged, stationary, buoyant, ring-pontoon is anchored to the sea floor by sixteen (16) cables. Also, sixteen (16) columns connecting to it, support the upper above-water structure. The assembly, is a moving buoyant pontoon, reciprocating within an anchored ring-pontoon. Optimum operation takes place in sea waves of adequate height and period that can lift and drop the moving cone-shaped pontoon relative to the design mechanical requirements. Sea wave energy, through the design of this invention, is amassed to develop sixteen hundred (1600) horsepower and generate one ((1) mega-watt of electricity.


< Personal watercraft

> Marine vessel monitoring system

~ 00408