Controlling an orienting/positioning system having a sensor and actuator
for controlling at least one of an orienting and positioning action of
the sensor. The invention (1) evaluates pre-action output information of
a sensor in order to detect the position of a pattern in the input space
of the sensor, (2) determines a targeted post-action position of the
pattern in the input space of the sensor, (3) defines an actuator command
by mapping any deviation of the pre-action and post action position in
the input space to actuator control coordinates using a predefined
mapping function, (4) controls the actuators according to the defined
command to execute the orienting/positioning action, (5) detects the real
post-action position of the pattern in an input space of the sensor, (6)
adapts the mapping function based on differences between the real
post-action position and the targeted post-action position of the pattern
in the input space.