A cell lineage can be constructed in a less labor intensive manner and in
less time by using a computer. Areas, which are misidentified as nuclei,
are efficiently removed. The invention comprises the steps of: selecting
one or more nuclei for making a forward link from extracted nucleus
candidates, in a plurality of 4D microscopic images in which the nucleus
candidates are extracted; obtaining forward linkage information by
sequentially extracting a nucleus candidate that meets a predetermined
link condition with regard to the selected one or more nuclei from said
4D images; selecting one or more nuclei for making a reverse link from
the forward linkage information; and obtaining backward linkage
information by sequentially extracting a nucleus candidate that meets a
predetermined link condition with regard to the selected one or more
nuclei for backward link from said 4D images, removing misidentified
nucleus candidates from the forward link information based on the reverse
link information. The cell lineage is constructed simultaneously at the
time of obtaining the forward link information and reverse link