A plurality of computer nodes communicate using seemingly random Internet
Protocol source and destination addresses. Data packets matching criteria
defined by a moving window of valid addresses are accepted for further
processing, while those that do not meet the criteria are quickly
rejected. Improvements to the basic design include (1) a load balancer
that distributes packets across different transmission paths according to
transmission path quality; (2) a DNS proxy server that transparently
creates a virtual private network in response to a domain name inquiry;
(3) a large-to-small link bandwidth management feature that prevents
denial-of-service attacks at system chokepoints; (4) a traffic limiter
that regulates incoming packets by limiting the rate at which a
transmitter can be synchronized with a receiver; and (5) a signaling
synchronizer that allows a large number of nodes to communicate with a
central node by partitioning the communication function between two
separate entities.