A multifunctional hard x-ray nanoprobe instrument for characterization of
nanoscale materials and devices includes a scanning probe mode with a
full field transmission mode. The scanning probe mode provides
fluorescence spectroscopy and diffraction contrast imaging. The full
field transmission mode allows two-dimensional (2-D) imaging and
tomography. The nanoprobe instrument includes zone plate optics for
focusing and imaging. The nanoprobe instrument includes a stage group for
positioning the zone plate optics. The nanoprobe instrument includes a
specimen stage group for positioning the specimen. An enhanced laser
Doppler displacement meter (LDDM) system provides two-dimensional
differential displacement measurement in a range of nanometer resolution
between the zone-plate optics and the sample holder. A digital signal
processor (DSP) implements a real-time closed-loop feedback technique for
providing differential vibration control between the zone-plate optics
and the sample holder.