Network Address and Port Translators (NATs) have the potential to interrupt the end-to-end nature of Internet applications, thereby threatening end-to-end security and other end-to-end functions. Thus it is important to be able to discover the existence of NATs and their type. Accordingly there is provided a method of discovering the existence and type of NAT that involves instigating a test call between media endpoints on a Media Gateway (MG) and a Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The MGC is able to deduce the existence of a NAT by examining the media packets sent to its endpoint. If a NAT is determined to be present the MGC instructs the endpoint on the MG to send media packets to another endpoint on the MGC. By comparing the IP addresses and ports of the media packets received at the endpoints of the MGC, the MGC is able to deduce whether the type of NAT is Cone or Symmetric.


< System and method for indicating the priority of voice over internet protocol (VoIP) calls

> Cell relay using the internet protocol

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