An apparatus for sealing a puncture communicating with a blood vessel
includes an inner member slidable within an outer member, and a balloon
coupled to distal ends of the inner and outer members. A proximal end of
the outer member includes a port for delivering fluid into the balloon,
and a cylinder that communicates with the port. A piston coupled to the
inner member is slidable and biased to move distally within the cylinder.
The apparatus is introduced into the puncture until the collapsed balloon
is disposed within the vessel. Fluid is introduced into the port, moving
the inner member proximally to shorten the balloon as it expands. The
balloon is withdrawn to seal the puncture, and a hydrogel is introduced
into the puncture. Fluid is removed via the port, moving the inner member
distally to extend the balloon as it collapses, and the apparatus is
withdrawn from the puncture.