An optical system is provided for achieving enhanced rejection of
scattered excitation light and superior signal-to-noise performance when
reading microplate wells. The optical system uses an axial configuration
in which the excitation beam incident upon the sample propagates along
the axis of the microplate well. Excitation light from a light source,
such as a lamp or fiber optic bundle, is collimated into a beam using a
lens. A reflective pick-off mirror is then used to reflect the collimated
excitation beam upward along the well axis. A focusing lens, with a
diameter exceeding the diameter of the collimated excitation beam, is
used to focus the excitation beam in the well. The same broad lens is
used to collimate the emitted fluorescent light, of which a large
percentage propagates axially past the pick-off mirror towards a second
focusing lens that focuses the emission beam onto the face of a fiber
optic bundle. The emitted light is later filtered and detected using at a
position that is optically shielded from the aforementioned optical
system. The optical system is incorporated into a microplate reader or
automated assay instrument in order to provide a compact assembly for
sensitive fluorescence measurements either above or below the microplate.
The optical system further enables the simultaneous measurement of
absorbance and fluorescence in a compact optical configuration.