The invention allows the detection and processing in a radio signal
received by a receiver, of any signal of "pulsed" type present in radio
signals applied to the input of a radiofrequency receiver, the receiver
having an analogue/digital converter for performing the coding into
digital on N bits of P successive samples of the analogue signal applied
to the input of the receiver and a computer for processing the said
digital signals, characterized in that on the basis of a histogram of the
rate of occupancy of the digitized samples, graded in ranges Fx of
amplitude-increasing sample levels, is determined, from among the ranges
Fx, a range Fn onwards of which the total number of digitized samples
Nnor contained in the ranges Fn and those below Fn is greater than or
equal to a normality threshold Nn, Nn being a number predetermined as a
function of the sensitivity of the detection of pulsed signals that one
wishes to achieve.