An image decoder system includes a series of optically or digitally encoded images mounted on a series of flat surfaces. A decoding lens is positioned over the encoded images. The decoding produces simulated three-dimensional image, simulated motion images or other visible effects. The system includes a backing plate to which the images and one or more decoding lenses are hingedly attached, resulting in a variety of decoding methods. To improve image clarity, locking devices such as Velcro fasteners, snaps, locking tabs, etc. are used to hold the lens to the image surface. Special inks for the encoded images and selected material for lens manufacture are used to improve contact between the image and the lens. Alignment marks are encoded with the image and used to match to alignment marks on the lens to clarify the decoded image. Wide, narrow and special combination lenticular lenses are used for special decoding effects.


< Foot impression recording apparatus

> Heat shrinkable insulated packaging material

~ 00415