A mass transport method and device for individually delivering chargeable
atoms or molecules from source particles is disclosed. It comprises a
channel; at least one source particle of chargeable material fixed to the
surface of the channel at a position along its length; a means of heating
the channel; and a means for applying an controllable electric field
along the channel, whereby the device transports the atoms or molecules
along the channel in response to applied electric field. In a preferred
embodiment, the mass transport device will comprise a multiwalled carbon
nanotube (MWNT), although other one dimensional structures may also be
used. The MWNT or other structure acts as a channel for individual or
small collections of atoms due to the atomic smoothness of the material.
Also preferred is a source particle of a metal such as indium. The
particles move by dissociation into small units, in some cases,
individual atoms. The particles are preferably less than 100 nm in size.