An apparatus and a method of play in the practice of the present invention
that are described below. An apparatus supporting the play of a casino
table card game according to the present invention may comprise: A
playing surface; A card-delivery device; A microprocessor operatively
connected to the card-delivery device; Player controlled election
identifiers that provide a visible signal of an election; At least two
areas for display of at least partial card hands from which only one card
hand may be elected for a wagering game by a player; The card-delivery
device having at least one sensor thereon for sensing the presence of
cards in a delivery area of the card-delivery device from which cards may
be removed; The at least one sensor on the card-delivery device providing
a signal to the microprocessor that a sensed set of cards has been
removed from the delivery area; and in response to the signal, the
microprocessor preventing players from entering a new election. The
apparatus delivery device is preferably a card-shuffling device. The
card-shuffling device may both shuffle cards and create sets of
predetermined, preselected numbers of cards to be used in play of a card
game. The card-shuffling device may be capable of being programmed to
provide sets of cards of different numbers of cards to be used in the
play of a card game. The apparatus signal to the microprocessor could
comprise a signal that a sensed set of cards has been removed from the
delivery area is in response to removal of either a) at least a portion
of a player's hand or b) at least a portion of common cards. The signal
to the microprocessor that a sensed set of cards has been removed from
the delivery area may be in response to removal of at least a portion or
all of common cards to be used in play of a game. A method of using this
apparatus also constitutes a practice of the present invention.