According to the invention, configurations of X-windings and Y-windings in a synchronous permanent planar motor are improved, X-windings and Y-windings overlap in the direction normal to the planar magnet array and distribute on the entire surface of the thrust core, such that effective wires in the X-windings and Y-windings are lengthened and increased in number, therefore the electromagnetic force generated by the SPMPM of this invention is increased correspondingly; X-windings and Y-windings are mounted on a thrust core made of iron material, thus the electromagnetic force is further increased; in addition, two separated anti-yawing member are provided on the mover for counteracting yawing of the mover, accordingly interference between anti-yawing torque and the electromagnetic force for propelling is eliminated.


< Topographically indexed support substrates

> Nanotube-based switching elements with multiple controls

~ 00416