A complaint resolution system, also referred to as a disputes system,
enables registered consumers to file a complaint against a merchant.
During complaint preparation, the disputes system advises the consumer of
relevant cases and other information, allows the consumer to vent their
emotions, and prepares a well-formed complaint on behalf of the consumer.
After the consumer approves filing of the complaint, the complaint is
compared with the merchant's stored business rules. If the merchant's
solution for the problem and the consumer's desired solution match, then
the disputes system automatically forms an agreement. The disputes system
monitors compliance with the agreement by the merchant and consumer. If
the merchant has specified a business rule for the problem, but the
merchant's solution for the problem and the consumer's desired solution
differ, then the disputes system initiates automated mediation,
automatically preparing an Answer comprising the solution from the
merchant's business rule as the merchant's starting negotiating position.
If the merchant has not specified a business rule for the consumer's
problem, then the disputes system initiates automated mediation, asking
the merchant for his or her Answer to the consumer's complaint. During
processing of the consumer's complaint, the disputes system maintains and
updates a detailed case record. At the conclusion of the case, the
disputes system automatically prepares an anonymized case summary, and
adds the anonymized case summary to a database of anonymized case