A system for securely vaulting, auditing, controlling and transferring
electronic transferable records (TRs) with unique ownership, including at
least one registry for registering the electronic transferable record
with unique ownership in a TR registry record; at least one secure
storage manager (SSM) associated with the registry, the SSM storing the
transferable record registered in the registry as an authoritative copy,
the secure storage manager being distinct from said registry. The
transferable record can be transferred in a transaction between an
originating party and a receiving party with a transaction descriptor
including information about the parties involved in the transaction and
an identification of the TR being transferred. The transaction descriptor
is initially signed by the originating party with the TR, subsequently
verified and countersigned by the registry and signed by said accepting
party. The transaction descriptor, upon completion of the transaction, is
stored in the TR registry record and serves to identify the authoritative
copy of the TR.