The first illustrative embodiment includes a lace or strap which runs
behind the heel down the sides of the foot, under the sole of the foot,
crosses to opposite sides of the foot, comes up over the toes ending in a
cinch. Loops and slots are provided in the shoe to accommodate the
additional strap. The second illustrative embodiment includes a heel
strap which runs behind the heel, down the sides of the foot where it
engages a loop near the bottom of the foot and loops over to the top of
the foot where it engages opposite sides of a conventional lace.
Tightening of the conventional lace causes a tightening of this heel
strap. The second embodiment also includes a toe strap which is attached
to opposite sides of the sole, crosses over the sole to opposite sides of
the toes, loops over the toes and engages the bottom of a conventional
lace. Tightening of the conventional lace causes a tightening of the toe