Alkaline waste waters formed in the washing of crude nitrobenzene which
has been prepared by the adiabatic nitration of benzene with nitrating
acid, washed in an acidic washing process, and then washed in an alkaline
washing process are treated. The alkaline waste water being treated
generally contains benzene in a concentration of from about 100 to about
3000 ppm and nitrobenzene in a concentration of from about 1000 to about
10,000 ppm. In the process of the present invention, undissolved benzene
and/or nitrobenzene are separated from the alkaline waste water, residual
benzene and/or nitrobenzene is/are then optionally stripped out of the
alkaline waste water, and the alkaline waste water from which benzene
and/or nitrobenzene has been removed is heated to a temperature of from
150 to C. under excess pressure with the exclusion of oxygen.