A centrifuge (10) is provided with a cantilevered shaft (18) upon which
the main drive rotor (26) is located. A bobbin (62) is attached to the
planetary gear shaft (44), which is driven in planetary motion by the
rotation of the rotor (26) and its toothed engagement with the shaft (18)
of the cantilevered rotor. A flying lead section (72) extends from the
bobbin (62) through an aperture in the cantilevered rotor (26). The
arrangement provides a centrifuge structure which can handle higher
rotational speeds while maintaining resolution. The flying lead section
(72) provides a simple path for the inlet and outlet leads (84,86) which
reduces dead volume and increases reliability. The bobbin (62) supports
at least one coil (68). Rotor component (44) includes at least one
bearing (50, 52). Attachment means (66) are provided removably to attach
the bobbin (62) to the rotor component (44), the attachment means (66)
enabling removal of the bobbin (62) from the rotor without removal of the
or any bearing (50, 52) of the rotor component (44). In the preferred
embodiment, the attachment means (66) removably attaches the bobbin (62)
to an end of the rotor component (44). A gear assembly (40) for the
centrifuge (10) is enclosed in a chamber (56) of a rotor (26), which
chamber (56) can be provided with lubricant. A chromatography coil
assembly is formed from a plurality of rigid substrates (10, 12) which
are disc-shaped in plan view. Produced within each substrate (10, 12) is
a channel (14, 16) which is closed by the lower surface of the substrate
lying thereon, as shown in relation to channel (14). A coupling conduit
couples the two channels (14, 16) together to form a unitary coil.