The invention concerns an apparatus for inputting English alphabets,
comprising: a keypad having five buttons of one central button, a left
top button, a left bottom button, a right top button and a right bottom
button arranged at each vertex of a square shape an d around the central
button; a means for sequentially receiving signals input by operating the
buttons on the keypad and creating the signals as button input signal
sequences; a means for storing an alphabet list or a look-up table
comprising alphabet sequences consisting of sequential sequences of any
button input signals and English alphabet representation data, wherein
one alphabet representation is associated with at least one alphabet
sequence; and an alphabet search and display means for searching the
alphabet list and displaying a corresponding alphabet representation,
using the button input signal or a series of button input signals
whenever one button input signal is received. According to the invention,
a user may input English alphabet to handheld electronics, in a manner
similar to writing the alphabets with hands, for example using only one
finger, e.g. a thumb.