An artificial neural network (ANN) based system that is adapted to process
an input pattern to generate an output pattern related thereto having a
different number of components than the input pattern. The system (26) is
comprised of an ANN (27) and a memory (28), such as a DRAM memory, that
are serially connected. The input pattern (23) is applied to a processor
(22), where it can be processed or not (the most general case), before it
is applied to the ANN and stored therein as a prototype (if learned). A
category is associated with each stored prototype. The processor computes
the coefficients that allow the determination of the estimated values of
the output pattern, these coefficients are the components of a so-called
intermediate pattern (24). Assuming the ANN has already learned a number
of input patterns, when a new input pattern is presented to the ANN in
the recognition phase, the category of the closest prototype is output
therefrom and is used as a pointer to the memory. In turn, the memory
outputs the corresponding intermediate pattern. The input pattern and the
intermediate pattern are applied to the processor to construct the output
pattern (25) using the coefficients. Typically, the input pattern is a
block of pixels in the field of scaling images.