Exemplary embodiments of the present invention provide for methods to launch data signals from single mode fiber optic cable into legacy multimode fiber optic cable. In one exemplary embodiment, a single mode fiber is offset slightly from the axis of a multimode fiber, thus only exciting the outer mode of the multimode fiber. In an alternate exemplary embodiment, a core portion of the single mode fiber is exposed, heated, and fused with a cladding portion of the multimode fiber. In yet another alternate exemplary embodiment, various lenses can be used to collimate and focus light signals from single mode fibers into multimode fibers, and vice versa. In these exemplary embodiments, the transmitted light signals can be in the range of from 1470 to about 1610 nm with, for example, a 20 nm channel separation. Other wavelengths and channel separations are also possible.

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< Fiber optic communication assembly

> Broadband control of polarization mode dispersion

~ 00422