A rotary machine including a substantially vertical rotatable drum having
pellet-receiving receptacles in its peripheral sidewall. Gravity causes
pellets to collect toward the drum's bottom. As the drum rotates, pellets
received in the receptacles are carried upwardly from the bottom. A
printing device positioned within the peripheral sidewall prints indicia
on the inwardly exposed surfaces of the pellets. Optionally, the
receptacles define apertures extending through the peripheral sidewall,
and a printing device is positioned externally to the peripheral sidewall
to print indicia on the outwardly exposed surfaces of the pellets.
Drilling or inspection devices may be provided in addition to, or instead
of, the printing devices. A support member may be provided adjacent the
peripheral sidewall to prevent gravity from causing the pellets to exit
the receptacles. Chutes may be provided to supply and remove pellets to
and from the drum. An air stream may eject pellets from their