An implantable artificial sphincter system provides long-term adjustment
via transcutaneous energy transfer (TET), minimizing invasive adjustment
through adding or removing fluid via a syringe. An infuser device
provides bi-directional fluid transfer via a flexible conduit to a
sphincter band, such as a gastric band, by a combination of thermodynamic
actuation and a piezo-electrically disengaged drum brake assembly that
thereby achieves a desirable small volume device. A propellant within a
propellant cavity surrounds a metal bellows accumulator biased at body
temperature to either expand or collapse the bellows accumulator with the
opposite direction of movement effected by a thermal element that heats
in combination with a negatively-biased propellant or cools in
combination with a positively-biased propellant. A drum brake assembly
locks the metal bellows accumulator in place between adjustments by
thermodynamic actuation by activating piezo-electric stack actuators that
disengage calipers from a brake drum attached to the bellows accumulator.