An induced polarization (IP) data acquisition system includes a plurality
of linearly spaced apart measurement nodes or obtaining synchronized
measurement signals indicative of the electric field strength at a
corresponding plurality of spaced apart locations at or adjacent to a
surface of a first geological body. A reference node obtains reference
signals indicative of the magnetic field strength at a location at or
adjacent to a surface of a second geological body that is spaced apart
from body. The reference signals are synchronized with the measurement
signals. A processing center is responsive to the measurement signals and
the reference signals for deriving a transfer function for body. System
is configured for deriving survey data that is indicative of one or more
geophysical properties of a body and use is made of the transfer function
referred to above to more accurately derive the survey data. That is,
processing center, which takes the form of a local desktop computer, is
responsive to the measurement signals and the reference signals for
deriving the survey data.