The delivery ratio of r (which is a fraction between 0 and 1) partitions a
stream of documents into a section of top scoring r-fraction of documents
and the remainder. This way a set of successively bigger delivery ratios,
r.sub.1, r.sub.2, r.sub.3, . . . sections the stream into tiers. Any
given document is assigned to a tier according to how many delivery ratio
thresholds it matched or surpassed and how many it failed to reach. This
creates a scoring structure which reflects the specificity of the
document with respect to a profile in terms of density of relevant
documents in the stream. In other words, a document in the tier
is such that it failed to be classified in the top r.sub.k ratio of the
stream (thus r.sub.k fraction of the stream is more relevant to the given
profile than the document under consideration). At the same time this
document was classified as being in the top r.sub.k-1 part of the stream.
Thus this mechanism defines a score (let's call it .sigma.) for a
document depending on how it compares to other documents in the stream
when scored against a given profile.