The invention includes cohort analysis as an element of an in-vehicle
navigation system. As an operator makes trips from an origin to a
destination, the navigation system records various route segments chosen.
These choices are compared to route segments comprising a minimal time
route calculated for the trip. Segments not part of the prescribed route
are collected and periodically sent along with the origin and destination
to a centralized server, wherein they are stored in a database. The
central server also has an extensive map database that lists many
attributes for each segment not generally included in an in-vehicle
database. The attributes include variables pertaining to traffic flow,
e.g. speed, number of lanes, lane width; topology, e.g. possible turns at
endpoints; geometry, e.g. horizontal shape, vertical curvature, and
super-elevation; usage, e.g. freeway, arterial, local, residential,
business; and topography, e.g. buildings, trees, open-space, facilities,
and stores.