A method and system for monitoring the temperature of dies during the
processing of thermoplastics. A non-contact infrared remote sensor is
configured to remotely monitor each die of a cuber extruder. The face of
the cuber dies is divided into four quadrants. A sensor is aimed at the
center of mass of each quadrant. The selected sensors are equipped with
lenses that have an active sensing area that includes the entire surface
of the quadrant, but none of the area of the adjacent quadrants. The
signal from each sensor is sent to a temperature controller co-processor
directly linked to an industrial control computer. The co-processor
executes a modified proportional integral derivative algorithm with the
response limits tuned to respond specifically to the thermal inertial
factors represented by the cuber die ring and the material being cubed.
In addition to the remote sensors, additional infrared or ultrasound
sensors are used to insure that the air space between the sensors and the
dies is unobstructed.