An improved simulated climbing wall provides a self-regulating endless
climbing surface. The structure includes a form including upper and lower
at least partially cylindrical outer surfaces, a planar forward surface,
and an open back surface. A continuous belt includes an inner surface and
an outer surface. The inner surface is disposed in sliding engagement
with the cylindrical surfaces and planar forward surface of the form, and
the outer surface of the belt includes a plurality of raised features
configured for climbing by a user. A tensioning shoe engages with the
inner surface of the belt through the open back surface of the form, and
a mechanism, coupled to the tensioning shoe, is operative to a) relieve
tension on the belt as a user climbs upwardly, thereby increasing
rotational slippage of the belt around the form, and b) increase tension
on the belt as a user moves downwardly, thereby reducing or terminating
rotational slippage of the belt around the form. In the preferred
embodiment, a pair of pivoting levers are provided, each having one end
coupled to a climber and a second end coupled to the tensioning shoe such
that, as a climber ascends the belt, the levers are raised, reducing the
frictional engagement of the inner surface of the belt against the form,
and as a climber moves downwardly on the belt, the levers are lowered,
increasing the frictional engagement of the inner surface of the belt
against the form.