A simulated trading system allows a user to set up an account with a predefined portfolio of nonzero value, such as a portfolio of a predefined cash amount, and make trades to and from that portfolio. At the end of an investment period, the user is awarded the net profits that user made during the investment period. Alternatively, users that end the investment period with portfolios larger than the starting portfolio are awarded their net profits up to a prespecified maximum and/or a prespecified percentage of less than 100% of the net profits. In one variation, the trades made by the users are actually executed and the securities held in the name of the system operators or the users. The losses incurred by some users, which would be borne by the users themselves in a conventional portfolio system, are borne by the system operators and/or sponsors of one or more investment education programs. The system operators can optionally reduce risk of losses by hedging the trades made by the users. In another variation, the trades are not actually made and any simulated net profits that are paid out to users are funded by advertisement revenue and/or sponsorships.

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