A method and system whereby a customer automatically receives an assignment on his wireless device without the need to visit a reservation desk. When the customer initially makes a reservation with a vendor, a computer records the wireless device's identification. When the customer arrives at or near the vendor's location, the system creates an out-of-range condition for the wireless device by shielding a portion of a location that the customer will be passing through. In response, the wireless device re-scans the control channels in an attempt to establish better communications with a wireless communication tower. A transceiver positioned in the transition zone transmits a channel that is detected and locked-on by the wireless device. The wireless device transmits it identification to the transceiver, which in turn forwards it to the computer. The computer sends assignment information to the wireless device.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Location based service (LBS) system, method and apparatus for authorization of mobile station LBS applications

> Location determination and location tracking in wireless networks

~ 00425