Responsibility can be established for specific copies or instances of copies of digitized multimedia content using digital watermarks. Management and distribution of digital watermark keys (e.g., private, semiprivate and public) and the extension of information associated with such keys is implemented to create a mechanism for the securitization of multimedia titles to which the keys apply. Bandwidth rights can be created to provide for a distributed model for digital distribution of content which combines the security of a digital watermark with efficient barter mechanisms for handling the actual delivery of digital goods. Distributed keys better define rights that are traded between transacting parties in exchanging information or content. More than one party can cooperate in adding distinguished watermarks at various stages of distribution without destroying watermarks previously placed in the content. Additionally, the amount of information which any one party must divulge to another party can be minimized, and "downstream" parties can be prevented is from compromising or otherwise gaining control of watermarks embedded by "upstream" parties.


< Multimedia outlet box

> Computational graceful degradation method using priority information in multiple objects case

~ 00427