An optimizer process in a storage system automatically selects access
activity data for storage devices in the system during periods of
interest so that a volume-swapping optimization analysis is based on
desired device performance information and thus yields improved
optimization results. For each of a number of sampling intervals in an
analysis period, workload statistics are collected for logical volumes in
the system. From the workload statistics, a service time is calculated
for each storage device for each sampling interval. A set of highest
service times is identified from the service times for each device, such
as those above the 80th percentile, and a service time measure is
generated from the set of highest service times. Devices having the
highest and lowest measures are identified, and a pair of volumes is
identified that, if swapped between the two devices, would improve the
service time measure of the higher-service-time device without unduly
degrading the service time measure of the lower-service-time device. Such
volumes are subsequently swapped, improving the performance of the
higher-service-time device and the overall system.