An environmentally friendly dual lube venturi filter cartridge which has no metallic components. A plastic centertube having a venturi section supports a bypass filter element on standoffs molded into the centertube. An outer concentric full flow filter element surrounds the bypass filter. The full flow filter is supported on a plastic centertube which creates a gap between it and the bypass filter. A first bypass filter endcap both seals the bypass filter and provides standoffs for allowing full flow oil around the bypass filter. The standoffs thus split the full flow which progresses through the primary filter in two paths, a primary path around the bypass filter and into the centertube, and a bypass path through the secondary filter and the venturi. Plastic upper and lower endcaps carry grooves for simple sealing gaskets, a radial seal gasket on the bottom which seals against both the endcap which carries it and a flange in the housing, and an axial seal gasket at the top.


< Apparatus for water treatment

> Anisotropic porous material

~ 00427