A controlling device location determination system and method. A
controlling device such as a remote control has programming for
transmitting a signal response to a plurality of control environments,
each environment including a signaling device. Each signaling device in
receipt of the signal request sends a signal response having a unique ID
(associated with location definitions relating to the environment from
which he signaling device is located) which is chosen to be
characteristically attenuated by the surroundings of the environment
(i.e., IR signals in a room). Because the controlling device can only be
in one environment at a given time, and given the attenuation
characteristics of the signal response from each signaling device, only
one signal response will be received by the controlling device in each
environment. Location definitions associated with the received unique ID
may be used by programming in the controlling device to recall saved
devices states, commands sets, macros, and even to dynamically generate
commands based on the location information.