A terrestrial repeater is disclosed for use in a satellite transmission
system that may also include a plurality of satellites. The terrestrial
repeaters are implemented as OFDM transmitters to minimize the channel
impairments caused by multi-path propagation. The OFDM terrestrial
repeaters differentially encode the transmitted signal over frequency, as
opposed to time, in order to avoid channel phase distortion. The OFDM
receiver allocates two unmodulated sub-carriers as pilot bins and thereby
provides two sub-carriers as a reference within each OFDM symbol. At the
OFDM receiver, the two unmodulated pilot bins contain no phase
information and provide a reference for the differential demodulation
performed by the OFDM receiver. The OFDM transmitter operates in two
modes, namely, a normal mode and a transmitter identifier information
(TII) mode. The TII mode contains all of the functions of the normal
mode, and also transmits a repeater identification signal with the
customer data, using the inactive OFDM sub-carriers (bins). In a normal
mode, the OFDM transmitter optionally fills unused (inactive)
sub-carriers with zeroes and in a TII mode, the OFDM transmitter uses at
least some of the unused (inactive) sub-carriers to transmit the
transmitter identifier information (TII). The predefined TII value is
mapped onto a set of complex symbols. The TII signal facilitates the
receiver test equipment in associating the received signal with the
terrestrial repeater(s) that generate the TII signal.