A vessel harvesting apparatus including a shaft and a tip formed as a unit
with, and positioned at a distal end of, the shaft. A handle is connected
to a proximal end of the shaft for allowing an operator to feed and
manipulate the tip. The tip defines a vessel receiving aperture extending
longitudinally through the tip and being laterally offset from and
generally parallel to a longitudinal axis of the shaft. The tip has a
smooth, contoured outer surface narrowing toward the distal end thereof
wherein the tip may be passed along and surrounding a vessel without
substantial disruption of surrounding tissue. Transacting and ligating of
the vessel positioned in the aperture and side branch vessels against the
outer surface of the tip by dissection and/or cauterization is provided.
The tip releases the vessel from surrounding tissue while being moved
there along wherein the transfected portion of the vessel is more easily
removed from surrounding tissue.