Methods for forming anisotropic features for high aspect ratio application
in etch process are provided in the present invention. The methods
described herein advantageously facilitates profile and dimension control
of features with high aspect ratios through a sidewall passivation
management scheme. In one embodiment, sidewall passivations are managed
by selectively forming an oxidation passivation layer on the sidewall
and/or bottom of etched layers. In another embodiment, sidewall
passivation is managed by periodically clearing the overburden
redeposition layer to preserve an even and uniform passivation layer
thereon. The even and uniform passivation allows the features with high
aspect ratios to be incrementally etched in a manner that pertains a
desired depth and vertical profile of critical dimension in both high and
low feature density regions on the substrate without generating defects
and/or overetching the underneath layers.