A resonant switching converter comprising a first pair of series connected
switches comprising a high side switch and a low side switch coupled
across a DC input voltage, there being a first switched node between the
switches; a second pair of series connected switches comprising a high
side switch and a low side switch coupled across a DC bus, there being a
second switched node between the switches; a DC bus capacitor coupled
across the DC bus; the first and second switched nodes adapted to have a
load coupled therebetween; the high side switch of the first pair of
switches supplying current to the load from the DC input voltage, the low
side switch of the first pair of switches being switched opposite the
high side switch of the first pair of switches and providing a
re-circulation path to allow bi-directional current flow through the
load; the high side switch of the second pair of switches supplying
current to the load from the DC bus capacitor, the low side switch of the
second pair of switches being switched opposite said high side switch of
the second pair of switches and providing a re-circulation path to allow
bi-directional current flow through the load; a controller for
controlling the switching of each of the switches of the first and second
pairs of switches, the controller comprising a phase shift circuit
providing a phase shift between the control signals driving the switches
of the first and second pairs of switches to shape the waveshape of the
output voltage of the converter provided to the load; the controller
further comprising a first circuit for providing a first compensation
signal for the control signals driving the first pair of switches to
compensate for variation of the DC input voltage; and a second circuit
for providing a second compensation signal for the control signals
driving the second pair of switches to compensate for variation of the DC
bus voltage.