The present invention provides a dye loaded zeolite material comprising:
a) at least one zeolite crystal having straight through uniform channels
each having a channel axis parallel to, and a channel width transverse
to, a c-axis of crystal unit cells; b) closure molecules having an
elongated shape and consisting of a head moiety and a tail moiety, the
tail moiety having a longitudinal extension of more than a dimension of
the crystal unit cells along the c-axis and the head moiety having a
lateral extension that is larger than said channel width and will prevent
said head moiety from penetrating into a channel; c) a channel being
terminated, in generally plug-like manner, at least at one end thereof
located at a surface of the zeolite crystal by a closure molecule hose
tail moiety penetrates into said channel and whose head moiety
substantially occludes said channel end while projecting over said
surface; and d) an essentially linear arrangement of luminescent dye
molecules enclosed within a terminated channel adjacent to at least one
closure molecule and exhibiting properties related to supramolecular