Techniques for reducing adjacent track erasure include: a bucking coil
having a lower number of turns than the write coil for bucking out a
portion of the field induced by the write coil; a hybrid solenoid coil
that includes turns that are in a pancake arrangement and turns that are
in a solenoid arrangement; a P2 write pole tip with an increasing amount
of flare as the distance from the ABS increases; a notch along an edge of
the ABS surface of the P1 write pole adjacent to a tooth that extends
closest to the P2 write pole; a back notch adjacent to the tooth on the
P1 write pole that has a width generally corresponding to the width of
the tooth; and a layered structure on the pole tip of the P1 write pole
adjacent to the tooth, the layers having at least one of decreasing
amounts of saturation magnetization, decreasing amounts of permeability,
or alternating layers of magnetic and nonmagnetic material, where the
width of the magnetic and nonmagnetic layers in controlled or the
characteristics of the magnetic layers are controlled with regard to
saturation magnetization or magnetic permeability to effectively decrease
the overall saturation magnetization or permeability.